Well... we've been married for three weeks now and after a week of honeymoon, a week of family and receptions and a week of unpacking, moving, decorating and shopping for our new apartment we are slowly getting used to the married life. We love it though. A lot. Here's a little bit about our wedding/honeymoon/receptions..
December 18, 2010
Best day ever. Seriously. Everything was perfect. We arrived at the temple an hour before our sealing and went to go change and get ready. We were blessed to have a full room of people that love us in the temple and a lot of family waiting for us in the waiting room. When we came out of the temple we were greeted by many of our closest friends and family and it was really just perfect. We are so grateful to everyone that came to support us and share the most special day. Taking pictures was pretty cold and my dress got soaked but that couldn't have got me down. We had so much fun with our amazing photographer Ashlee (you can see her blog here; she has posted one wedding picture with more to come soon). After getting the keys to our room for the night, we went to Wendy's before our reception. Our reception was beautiful. Our family and friends did an amazing job at decorating and making everything perfect for us. We had a photobooth at our wedding and it was so much fun. My sweet new husband and some of his friends from his Barbershop club sang to me before we cut our cake. We even had Michael's brother who is serving a mission in Brazil there :)

Here are some more pictures from our perfect day:
Our Honeymoon: Huntington Beach, CA
Our ENTIRE 11 hour drive was rainy and dreary. As was most of our week in California. Some of the people at the hotel who have lived in CA for many years said it was the longest storm they had ever seen. Awesome.
This is the amazing view from our hotel balcony thanks to my dad who hooked us up with an amazing deal at the Hilton. Luckily it was still pretty in the rain...
On Thursday, we finally got some sun and we went out on the beach!
It wasn't too windy but we did a little kite flying.
On Friday morning we woke up to this... a beautiful sunny day to send us back to cold, snowy Utah.
Bye California...
We had a really special opportunity on Tuesday to go to my best friend, Chandra's, wedding. All our prayers were answered that it would stop raining just long enough for their pictures. It was beautiful.
Best Friends :)
So happy for my second family.
Whitney is next!! Her and Erik just got engaged yesterday! :) :)
No longer the newlyest weds :(
Our Christmas "Break:"
Christmas Eve: 10 hour drive including a stop in Vegas to some really last minute shopping, arrive home at 11:30 PM, open presents from UT reception, pack, go to bed
Christmas day: wake up at 7:30, flight to WA at 10:45, arrive at noon, skype with Jeremy in Brazil, 5:45 PM Tristan and Jana arrive (who also just got engaged on Christmas Eve :)), presents, games, movie
Sunday: church, lots of games, great food, lots of it, hot tub, another movie
Monday: set up for reception all day
Tuesday: reception #2, presents, try to fit all presents in suitcases, late to bed again
Wednesday: wake up at 3:00, drive to airport, attempt to get all 8 bags through the airport to the Southwest counter, arrive in Texas, surprise Mike (father) with Michelle who decided to fly in to help with the reception and see her family, shop for next reception, drive 3 hours to Brownwood, do more preparations for reception, games
Thursday: reception #3, presents, movie
Friday: finally able to relax, went golfing but left early because it was too cold, pizza buffet, games all night, watched the ball drop and went to bed
Saturday: found lots of games to play, Grandma's fried chicken, more games!
Sunday: church, packing, drove to Dallas
Monday: flew out of Dallas, arrived in Salt Lake, went to eat with Zach, unpacked, tried to prepare for school the next day
Our apartment decorations thanks to the Morgans (handiwork of Kayla and Michelle) :)
All of the Morgan family on Skype together for Christmas :)
Christmas with my family.
Our MV reception looked SO good thanks to my wonderful mom and dad and family that helped out.
Michael found all the games his family owns haha
Look at that form.. yeah, that's my husband :)
My amazing (lucky) drive which let to a par for this hole.
I'm going to stop now because I'm sure you get the idea that we had quite the busy week...
Classes so far are fine, no big homework due yet.
Church today was so good. We are in a married student ward so our whole ward is young married couples just like us, with a few kids scattered here and there.
Back to school tomorrow! whew.. that was a long post. Hopefully I'll keep up better so next time it won't be so much.