Monday, January 7, 2013

Back to School

A lot of things have change in my life and I have had to rethink a lot of decisions which makes this semester my last semester of classes. As much as I complain about being in school and being married in school and how lame it is, I really do love my classes. I know I am finally in the right spot because I just feel like I can't learn enough about teaching children. I can't say I look forward to going to school every day but I wouldn't be able to miss it. I love going to learn and I love all the friends I've become close with through my classes. 

But school starting again does mean that I pretty much am going to be single until the semester ends again. I am grateful for the 3 week break we had and that Mike and I spent EVERY bit of it together :) It was blissful and amazing. I hope to hold onto that just a little bit longer when the semester starts getting crazy.

On Wednesday, Mike and his barbershop chorus are headed to Orlando, FL to compete in a national youth barbershop competition. They have worked hard all semester to prepare and they are currently practicing in my living room.

I hope you get to hear from me more during the semester but don't get too excited :)

1 comment:

  1. i know you guys are busy with school and stuff, but don't disappear this semester! let's hang!
